1.1 Artist's Notes: I'm playing around with the panelling and speack bubble designs a bit. I quite like the softer, style I used here, I feel it flows better and works with my style, where as the traditional panelling would be a bit too harsh. It also helps with the overall fantasy theme too. I'll keep working on it and see how I go. Also, yay for official launch bonus pages! Enter Nat'dh, she'll be our main (mane?) character throughout book one. She's a young mare who's just left her mother's side (in horse years, she'd be 4 years old, which is right at the age fillies [young female horses] become mares [adult female horses], and colts [young male horses] become stallions [adult male horses]). She's quite unfarmiliar with the world outside her herd's territory, though she knows that territory very well indeed.
All content is copyright Emma-Lee "MadMooCow" Nosworthy and may not be reproduced with out express written permission. |