MadCowArt Headder

About Me

Name: Emma-Lee Nosworthy

Also Known As: MadMooCow

Birthdate: 3rd of September 1988

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Other: I recently completed a course in Visual Arts (Victoria Universety) and am currently working on a number of personal artistic projects (such as the webcomic GodStrike) as well as taking on some frelance graphic design work. I usually work in digital media, such as Adobe Photoshop, but I do dabble in traditional media (such as oil paints and screen printing on textiles) from time to time. I am always looking for new clients for both illustration or graphic design projects.

When I am not using the art muscles I am usually found reading, taking care of our animals or playing PonyIsland.

All content is copyright Emma-Lee "MadMooCow" Nosworthy and may not be reproduced with out express written permission.